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oh God! i've been waiting for this thing. Now that i'm experiencing it, I kind of regret wishing for it. :P right now, i'm just sitting in my chair, writing this post for my now rarely visited blog. @_@
Now, I had a lot of things happen to me during my first sem in UST Nursing. I had a lot of hardships. And yet, I lived through it. I'm still here, happy as ever. I made a lot of good friends. Some of them, showed their true selves and it's good actually. At least, I wasn't able to trust him/her with my secrets. I had someone mad at me for some reason I don't know. I had friends that I don't know if I could still trust. I had friends, who backed me up. It's kinda fun. The medley of all these stuffs. It's a fresh experience for me. I RARELY quarrel with others. It's coz I'm an unusually meek person. I prefer staying silent. But, there it went.
Yeah, another thing that was kind of new to me is FAILING. I never thought that I would experience a lot of failed quizes in my life. I never experienced failing this much when I was in gradeschool and in highschool. I mean, I still manage to get a final grade of 85(81's my lowest ever grade). But now, I got 77 for my Chemistry. And that does not include my Finals grade. So it's still not the total. And that's giving me worries.
So, still, I'm thankful for having been given this sembreak. I had a REAL BREAK from all of these that bother me. I get to have miles away from UST so it won't bring any memories to me. :P
Alright, bye for now
posted by gimickero